What are we up to?

In Language Arts, we are working on identifying letter and sounds associated with letters. We continue to practice writing our names. During reading time, we answer questions based on the text, not only the images. In Jolly Phonics, we are finishing off group 3. 

In Math, we are working on numbers and values. Last week, we started on pattering. We have learned how to describe patterns and students created their own patterns. One activity at home is to ask your child/children to try and stump YOU with a pattern they make. In class, we use ABABAB and different variations to support 

In Science, our focus is on seeds and plants. We added more items to the first picture. When we discover parts of plants, we often go outside to search and find what we learned about. Our worms are doing very well and there are lots of babies in the bin. 

Students have writing books for numbers, letters, and Jolly Phonics. If you want these books to come home, tell your child to bring them in "Mr. Zippy" (communication bag) or send me a note. 

About half the students get a "job" for the month. During tidy up time, students with specific jobs focus on their jobs and the other students work on cleaning up the classroom. Our jobs switch monthly. Every day we change our student of the day. Student of the day is required to complete the morning exercises. 


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