Curriculum Handout 2017


An Information Resource
For Parents

Holy Angels Catholic School

Mrs. Sitko
Mr. Zacheja

Learning Centres In The Kindergarten Classroom

The Kindergarten program will provide real-life experiences, encouraging the students to explore and investigate. These experiences often take place at the Learning Centres, where various skills are developed through spontaneous play and teacher facilitation and interaction.

A centre is a physical area set aside for specific learning purposes. The centre has appropriate materials to enable the student to explore and work independently – as individuals or with partners.

Learning Centres can be permanent – i.e., available throughout the year – or they can have a particular focus and change periodically – i.e., related to a theme. Activities at Learning Centres may be either “self-selected” or “teacher-directed”.

Self-Selected Activities

Students are encouraged to select a centre of their choice and to participate in an activity or one that the teacher has provided. Teacher interaction in this situation is usually informal and based on student interest or problem solving.

Teacher-Directed Activities

The teacher carefully plans, organizes and presents specific content intended to foster skill development in a specific subject area – i.e., language: letter identification, sound-letter relationship or mathematics: numeral to set identification. Teacher – directed activities may take place during shared experiences – i.e., large group, small group or individual learning situations depending on the intent and concept to be presented. Specific teacher-directed activities may be presented at activity centres to support, enhance or challenge the learning at that particular centre.

Many of the following types of centres will be available in the Kindergarten classroom:

Blocks                       Sand and Water                         PlayDoh
Math/Manipulatives    Computer                                  Listening
Reading                     Writing                                      Painting
Science                      Social Studies                            Prayer/Religion
Dramatic Play             Changeable Interest                   Games/Puzzles

Shared Experiences In The Kindergarten Classroom

Throughout the Kindergarten program, the teacher will lead the whole class (large group), small groups or individuals through learning activities that will have a particular learning expectation as a focus. Shared experiences, are therefore, a teacher-directed activity delivered to the class, groups or individuals.

These activities could include:
Whole/Large Group Learning
  • praying together
  • listening to stories
  • looking at books
  • constructing collaborative charts
  • shared reading
  • shared writing
  • chiming poetry
  • exploring math concepts
  • exploring science concepts
  • playing outdoors
  • playing games to promote logical thinking

Small Group Learning
  • guided reading
  • guided writing
  • guided mathematics

Individual Learning
  • independent writing, reading
  • individual math activity

Topics of Study or Themes

Classroom activities are often developed according to themes. Subject areas are integrated into these themes. Some content
and /or skill related material will also be presented independently of the themes, to ensure that specific content and skills are addressed.

The following is a list of themes that we may be exploring and subject to change, according to the interest of the students.

  • Colours/Shapes
  • All About Me
  • Thanksgiving
  • Autumn
  • Halloween
  • Remembrance Day
  • Christmas
  • Winter Fun
  • Friendship/Valentine’s Day
  • Spring
  • Easter
  • Mother’s Day
  • Farm
  • Father’s Day
  • Summer Fun and Safety
  • Nutrition and Healthy Eating
  • Dinosaurs
  • Bugs

Religious Education In the Kindergarten Classroom
(Includes Family Life and Social Studies)

In Kindergarten, religious education is an on-going process by which the students become aware of themselves as very special people who are loved by God. They become aware of their emerging abilities and talents and of their place  in the universe which nurtures and protect them.
The children will learn to thank God for making them so special and for providing them with a loving atmosphere in which to live.
Throughout the course of the day, Christian attitudes and values are reinforced through the relationships between the student, their teacher peers and the school community.
Religious messages are incorporated in all themes naturally and spontaneously. The following are some examples:
  • Special Me – I am Unique – God Loves Me
  • Trees and Plants
  • I Belong to a Family
  • Community
  • People Working Together
  • My Cultural Heritage
  • Seasons
  • Animal- God Cares For His Creatures Big and Small
  • Special Days and Celebrations
  • Earth Times
  • Thanksgiving
  • Advent
  • Lent

School Routines and Expectations

School Hours:  9:00 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m.
Drop Off and Pick Up:  
The safety and well being of all our students is of prime importance. In order to ensure this, all Kindergarten students are to enter and exit the school via the Kindergarten fenced area. If you park and walk your child in, there is a church parking lot for you to use beside the school to do so. After school, you may pick up your child at the fenced kindergarten yard.
Students who are bussed, are greeted by a supervising teacher and escorted to the Kindergarten yard. At dismissal, the students who are bussed are escorted to the bus area by their DECE.
Please Note: All irregularities in picking up or dropping off your child, should be specified in a written note to the classroom teacher otherwise, regular established routines will be followed.

Classroom Routines and Expectations

Notable Subjects:
Physical Education: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mr. Ciardulli
Health: Tuesday with Ms. Nicholas
Music: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with Ms. Rigby
Library: Friday with Mrs. Chang

  1. Indoor Shoes: In order to keep the classroom dry and clean and for use in the gym, the students are asked to bring in a pair of running shoes. We recommend running shoes that slip on or have Velcro closures.
  2. Change of Clothing: All students are asked to provide a change of clothing in case of small spills or accidents. A change of clothing (underwear, socks, pants and t-shirt) should be sent in a plastic bag with your child’s name clearly labelled on the bag.

  1. Food Allergies:  Just a reminder that all food being sent with your child must be nut free.  Please check all food labels carefully.

  1. Snack and Lunch Routines:  The students have an opportunity to visit the snack table in our classroom, both in the morning and the afternoon. We encourage them to do so however, we do not insist if they do not feel a need to. Regarding lunch routines, we conduct prayers and encourage the students to eat their lunch, use the washroom located in our classroom and get dressed according to the weather before we make our way to the kindergarten yard outside. The kindergarten students have one hour for lunch break, 30 minutes outside, 30 minutes to eat and get ready.

  1. Excursions:  Excursion information will be sent home before each planned trip and will include a permission form. Students require parental/guardian consent to participate in class excursion.

  1. Home/School Communication Mailbag:  Your child has been provided with a Communication mailbag which will be used to send notes home regarding special school and class events, school newsletters, homework, library books and any information that you need to know regarding your child’s day/week. Please ensure that this mailbag is checked and returned with our child everyday.

Dear Parents/Guardian,

Welcome to Kindergarten at Holy Angels Catholic School!

Our hope and vision is to make your child’s first two years at school a positive and productive one. At school, we work diligently to create a learning atmosphere where the students feel secure, accepted, understood and loved.  We also try to provide an environment where your child will enjoy new friendships, gain self-confidence, experiment, explore and be the best they can be!

These early years, mark the beginning of a partnership between home and school, working together to support your child’s learning and growth. The following is a reference package, containing information both general and specific, that I hope will assist you in understanding the Kindergarten Experience that your child has embarked upon!

As always, thank you for your continued support.
The Kindergarten Team

How Can You Help Your Child?

  • Have your child practice putting on and zippering/buttoning sweaters and jackets.
  • Try to read to your child for at least 10 minutes each day.
  • Practice printing their name using lower case letters. Begin with tracing and copying.
  • Practice counting orally and recognizing and printing numbers.


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